Tips for Selling Your Home Quickly and at Maximum Value

Monday Aug 27th, 2018


Whether you’re moving on up or just moving on, this is an exciting time in your life with new challenges and new horizons ahead. There’s just one thing holding you back: the old house. Though full of wonderful memories, it can really hold you down if you can’t rid yourself of the property in time and at a good value. There are ways to make sure this doesn’t happen by attracting plenty of buyers to your open house with serious intentions to close, and at your price. Here’s how to do it.




Ah, the yard. Years of mowing, raking, mulching and mowing again. You’re not done, however, as it’s got to look sharp if you want that curb appeal that the real estate agents talk about. An attractive landscape can fetch you a 10-percent increase in the sale price, according to the home experts at HGTV. It doesn’t have to be too extravagant to earn those extra bucks, either. Some tips include pruning and shaping unsightly trees, as well as planting flowers to add a touch of color.


A Paint Job


This is another task that could add thousands to your bank account, but only if you do it right. According to a report published by, citing research from Zillow, painting your kitchen blue nets homeowners an additional $1,809 on average, while the same color in your bedroom would bring in a premium of $1,856 on average. As for the exterior, the most lucrative color was “greige,” a mixture of gray and beige. Be careful in your choices, though, as trends could change.


Minor Repairs


Though major renovations to the kitchen and bathroom would certainly impress visitors, they may not justify the enormous expense. What’s definitely worth the effort are minor repairs that take off a few years of wear and tear while adding a little sparkle and shine. To begin, take a walk around the house as if you were a buyer, and keep an eye out for any unsightly damage. You may have to patch up some holes in the walls, replace leaky faucets or refinish the hardwood floors.


Brightening Up


The size of your space matters when showing buyers around your house. While you can’t make the rooms bigger, you can make them seem so with some special effects via lighting. Start with the windows. They should be cleaned on both sides to let in as much sunlight as possible. If you have curtains, adjust the rods so that they are well outside the window frame, whereas blinds should be opened as much as possible. Lamps are another way to cast out shadows and highlight the room’s best features.


Killing the Clutter


This will seemingly add several square feet to each room as well. The best thing about this effort is that you have to declutter anyway, as you’ll be packing up and moving out soon. You may even be able to earn a little extra cash by selling off items you don’t need at a garage sale. If not, Goodwill would be grateful for the donation. By clearing out your home, you may get some fresh ideas for decorating to attract buyers or reveal some areas in need of cleaning or repair. In any case, everyone will be impressed by the tidiness.


A Deep Clean


This is much more than the sweeping and mopping you do on a regular basis, as buyers have a keen eye for unsightly stains and unsavory odors. One big turn-off that should be dealt with immediately are the dead bugs that have likely accumulated around your light fixtures. You’ll also have to vacuum all of that dust out of heat vents while polishing door knobs and light fixtures to give them an extra shine. Do not forget to replace stove drip pans if they are filthy beyond recognition.


With any luck and the right realtor, your big move should be shaping up nicely. With more money in your pocket, you’ll be able to throw one heck of a housewarming party at the new place. Have fun!




Suzie Wilson is an interior designer with more than 20 years experience. What started as a hobby (and often, a favor to friends) turned into a passion for creating soothing spaces in homes of every size and style. While her goal always includes making homes look beautiful, her true focus is on fashioning them into serene, stress-free environments that inspire tranquility in all who enter. The Ultimate Guide to Prepping Your Home for an Open House is filled with tips, tricks and other advice based on Suzie’s years of experience in interior home design that will set you up for success.

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