What's Happening In The Appointment Centre?
Oct. 6-12
Even though appointments were slower by 12.1% last week leading into the Thanksgiving holiday, the gap between appointments in October 2018 vs. 2019 widened to 30.5% more appointments so far during the month. Our daily breakdown saw fewer appointments on each single day than the week before, with the most appointments being booked on a Thursday, which is unusual, as they usually peak on Fridays.
Our Sold/Appointment Index rose back up to where we were a couple of weeks ago, with Buyers booking an average of 22.2 appointments before signing on the dotted link. We still believe that this higher index is largely due to more and more out of town Buyers entering into our local market, combined with a higher than seasonal number of new listings on the market.
Price points in all 3 regions were on point with our usual benchmarks - between $350-600k in Hamilton, and $250-500k in Niagara. Burlington saw the most activity in the $1-2M and $899-900k ranges, and then the remainder of the rankings in what are mid-low price points for the region.
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