What's happening in the appointment centre? June 7-13
June 16, 2020
The market is definitely in recovery mode these days, with 23% more appointments last week, 27% more new listings, and 23% more sales! Friday saw the most appointments we have booked in a single day since March 6, and we booked the most appointments EVER on a Saturday at 595. Overall in June, appointments are 28.6% higher than the same time frame in 2019!
Our Sold/Appointment Index remained exactly the same as the previous week, with 12.4 appointments on average per property sold.
In our Top 5 Price Ranges, Hamilton continues to remain steady, hovering in the $300-$600k ranges. Burlington saw more activity last week in the higher price ranges than we have seen for a few weeks. Niagara is seeing price points solidly rooted in the $250-$600k range.
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